Groundwater can often be naturally acidic (with a pH of less than 7) due to a variety of factors. Here are some reasons why groundwater may become acidic:

Presence of acidic substances: As water moves through rocks and soil, it can come into contact with naturally occurring acidic substances. For example, groundwater can dissolve carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, forming carbonic acid. Additionally, certain types of rocks, such as granite or volcanic rock, may contain minerals that can release acids into the water as they weather and break down.

Acid rain: Acid rain is formed when atmospheric pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, mix with water vapor in the air. When this acidic precipitation infiltrates the ground, it can lower the pH of groundwater. Acid rain can be caused by industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and other human activities.

Organic matter decomposition: When organic matter, such as decaying plants or animal waste, decomposes in the soil, it releases organic acids. These acids can seep into the groundwater and contribute to its acidity.

Natural geological processes: In some geological formations, the presence of certain minerals can result in acidic groundwater. For instance, in areas with naturally occurring sulfur or iron deposits, the oxidation of these minerals can lead to the formation of sulfuric acid or iron hydroxide, respectively.

Mining and industrial activities: Certain industrial activities, such as mining and ore processing, can generate acidic byproducts that can contaminate groundwater if not properly managed. Acidic mine drainage, for example, occurs when sulfide minerals in rocks react with air and water, producing sulfuric acid that can make its way into groundwater.

Not all groundwater is acidic. The pH of groundwater can vary widely depending on local geological conditions, human activities, and other factors. Monitoring and managing groundwater quality is crucial to ensure its suitability for various purposes, such as drinking water supply and ecosystem health.

Acidic water is corrosive and it is crucial that the pH be adjusted before it is used in your house.

Contact us to see how we can help with pH adjustment of your groundwater.